First Annual Mud Pop Up Pot Shop
Opening Reception, Friday Oct 2 7pm-9pm
Friday Oct 2 5pm-9pm, Sat Oct 3 11am-6pm, Sun, Oct 4 12pm-5pm
Mud Clay Studio in Madison is doing a big sale/show in Madison at the Arts Center in town. The members have been working overtime and need to clear some shelves at home. Come purchase the beautiful work of local artisans. Ten percent of all sales will be donated to Halos for Angels, Inc. Follow on social media to see upcoming work for sale.
Interested in participating?
Here are the details:
• Send me a quick bio, some images and links to your Socail media and
• Please bring your work to the Madison Community Arts Center located on
Kings Road in Madison on Friday Oct 2 from 9am to 2pm. (If you need to
drop off earlier to Madison Mud, please let us know)
• Please bring an inventory list along with pricing
• Please price all of your work with your initials on the labels.
You will be asked to pick up your work Sunday evening after 6pm.
• Mud will calculate the balance of your sales and issue you a check along
with the itemized list of sold paces by Oct 9th. You can then decide if you
would like to donate a portion to Halos for Angels
• We would love some help “manning” the event. Please let me know if you
can hang out for a few hours!
• Mud will be responsible for printed and social marketing material
We do ask that you share the event with pages, friends and family the
week prior to the event. I can give you postcards to hand out.
• Mud will take a 20% commission of sales made at the event.
We will NOT be involved in any off site sales of future commissioned work
obtained at the event.
• We ask that you consider donating an additional 10% to Halos for Angels
This can be considered after from the 20% is subtracted.
Here are the details:
• Send me a quick bio, some images and links to your Socail media and
• Please bring you work to the Madison Community Arts Center located on
Kings Road in Madison on Friday Oct 2 from 9am to 2pm. (If you need to
drop off earlier to Madison Mud, please let us know)
• Please bring an inventory list along with pricing
• Please price all of your work with your initials on the labels.
You will be asked to pick up your work Sunday evening after 6pm.
• Mud will calculate the balance of your sales and issue you a check along
with the itemized list of sold paces by Oct 9th. You can then decide if you
would like to donate a portion to Halos for Angels
• We would love some help “manning” the event. Please let me know if you
can hang out for a few hours!
• Mud will be responsible for printed and social marketing material
We do ask that you share the event with pages, friends and family the
week prior to the event. I can give you postcards to hand out.
• Mud will take a 20% commission of sales made at the event.
We will NOT be involved in any off site sales of future commissioned work
obtained at the event.
• We ask that you consider donating an additional 10% to Halos for Angels
This can be considered after from the 20% is subtracted.
Interested? Email Melanie at